Gone Walkabout
Opa! ami, frère, soeur, mate, dude, camarade, tio, cara, compadre, ou simplement visiteur égaré. Welcome to the long and winding adventure of a simple gal from the Top End of Australia and a bashful boy from Brussels. Qui que tu sois, bienvenue sur notre blog !!! N'hésites pas à nous laisser un message si le coeur t'en dit, le nôtre n'en sera que plus heureux. Allez, bonne visite et bonne route...
29 April 2006
26 April 2006
Birthdays and Banquets

First off, to all those other April babies out there (Kym, Laetitia, Jodie, Catherine, Brendan, Cormac, Barry, Renee, Jessica, Elke and Alice to name a few!) – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
The 14th of April 2006 was my (Lian’s) first Belgian birthday experience… The event began on the night of the 13th when Laurent had very thoughtfully organised a small surprise birthday dinner for me. Unfortunately, the guests arrived whilst poor Laurent was reduced to bargaining with the other customers for the contents of their trollies (long story) and navigating the record-breaking queues at the cash registers. Despite the supermarket setback, we sat down to a banquet - it was a fun night!
The next day we set off on a magical mystery tour which Laurent had planned… ending up in the tiny
One of the famous attractions of the region is the Parc du Marquenterre – a large reserve which hosts hundreds of species of permanent and migrating birds. Keen to explore, we piled on the jackets, grabbed our binoculars and headed out into the reserve… At first I couldn’t ignore the fact that there were almost as many people as birds (growing up in
The next day the sun came out (at the end of a very long and grey winter, that in itself was a major highlight!) and we set off for the southern end of the region which included Mers-les-Bains and Bois de Cise for an amazing view of the cliffs. That evening, we somehow managed to find a table in a restaurant we were told is usually booked out at a week in advance… Amid our mutual claims of being “not very hungry”, we somehow managed to polish off all three courses, a pre-entrée, bread, a pre-dessert (I never know such a concept existed!), cheese, chocolate, and a bottle of wine… And rolled back safely to our B&B. I now understand what they mean when they say that food (and everything related) constitutes a national pastime in
Our way back to
Upon entering
22 April 2006
Once upon a time...

Bonjour!! Ola!! Greetings!! from Rue Léon Frédéric 43, 1030 Brussels, the current chapter of what has been and is going to be the long and winding adventure of a simple gal from the Top End of Australia and a bashful boy from Brussels….
As many of you probably know, our story in
Since then, many experiences have been had: French has been (is still being) learned, jobs have commenced, studies have been completed, places have been visited and friends have been found. In recognition of our unreliable emailing skills, in a late-night burst of inspiration an account was created, a name was hastily invented (you can probably tell from the very catchy Belgo-Australian fusion) and VOILA, our Blog was born…